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sexta-feira, 13 de março de 2009

Novo album dos Cure

The CureThe Cure (via last.fm)

Os Cure são uma banda de que gosto muito sobretudo a forma como eles conseguiram passar de uma banda para adolescentes radicais para uma banda de pais de família como eu sem que isso os faça estar sempre a reviver velhos êxitos e ainda bem digo eu...

The Cure offers fresh, energetic sound with newest album, '4:13 Dream'

By: Marshall Carlson

Posted: 3/12/09

The Cure's "4:13 Dream" isn't a dream anymore. This marks the band's 13th studio album since they first convened under the name Easy Cure in 1976.

The group simplified their name to The Cure and signed with German label Hansa Records as a post-punk band. Now, frontman Robert Smith says their sound cannot be categorized. "I just play Cure music, whatever that is." That is the exact mark of a great band.

While their sound is impossible to place into any one genre, their newest album is classic Cure. One track, "Sleep When I'm Dead," was originally recorded for their 1985 album, "The Head on the Door." The single is a bit funky, full of energy and very upbeat.

The rest of the album is also positively optimistic. Smith's wailing vocals coat the album, his voice is the very pinnacle of perfection when it comes to The Cure. He sings with sassy spunk, giving the quartet an undeniably excellent mix. From the dreamy, powerful intro "Underneath the Stars" to the grinding, hard-rocking guitar of Porl Thompson in "Switch," "4:13 Dream" shows a tremendous amount of diversity. "This. Here and Now. With You" really exemplifies Smith's vocal prowess, and the subtle "Reasons Why" offers a quick escape from reality. This album may not be quite as bass-driven, as more effort was shifted to deeper layering of the guitar and keyboard parts.

The Cure is widely regarded as one of the biggest British bands of the last 25 years and it's easy to see why. Their sound is one not found anywhere else, at least not here in the States, and they have been inspiring artists all throughout their career.

To kick off the release of "4:13 Dream," the rockers released four singles each on the 13th of the four months before the album was released. The four were "The Only One," "Freakshow," "Sleep When I'm Dead" and "The Perfect Boy," respectively, and were all included in the album. It was originally planned as a double album, but the idea was tossed, and "4:13 Dream" was born.

Much like "Switch," the last track on "4:13 Dream" is "It's Over," and unfortunately with "It's Over," the album was.
© Copyright 2009 Northwest Missourian

The Cure 4:13 Dream Track 1 "Underneath the Stars" Lyrics GUARANTEED TO BE 100 PERCENT CORRECT

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