Ouvir, Pensar e Bloggar

Quantas vezes das nossas viagens reais para as longamente imaginadas ...

e quantas dessas tiveram origem nas vivências de outros. Eis que por breves momentos estas são mais nossas do que de quem as viveu.

Quantas conversas e histórias temos vontade de registar e contar e quantas dessas temos necessidade de voltar a contar só porque nos fazem sentir bem ou mais atentos ou ainda vivos.

Quantas musicas se entranham na alma quando estamos dispostos a ouvir.

É por tudo isto que a "TocadoLado" poderá estar aqui


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segunda-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2009

A dança da Binoche

Sydney Opera House viewed from the sideImage via Wikipedia

Binoche dances into Opera House

By Anne Maria Nicholson

At an age when most dancers have already retired, leading French actress Juliette Binoche decided not only to learn to dance but also to make a new career of it.

The academy award-winning actress is in Australia as part of a world tour with one of the superstars of contemporary dance, Akram Khan.

They are both international stars - one of the screen, the other of the theatre. With nearly 30 movies under her belt, Binoche has a higher profile, but on stage, British-born Bangladeshi Khan had the advantage.

Binoche was catapulted to fame in the film The English Patient, a role that earned her an Oscar. Hollywood came knocking but the actress rejected major offers, favouring quirky roles in films like Chocolat instead.

Despite heavy physical demands, the 44-year-old found the chance work with Khan irresistible. And Khan felt the same way.

"She has a very magical aura about her; that's why she is who she is," Khan says.

"She has this presence that not only relates in film, it also relates in theatre."

But learning the steps was only the beginning of the challenge; bridging a cultural gap between the two performers was just as difficult.

The show, called In-i, borders on the steamy, which is confronting for Khan, who is Muslim, and shocking for his mother.

"My wife was sitting next to my mother and at the end of the show she turned to my wife and said, 'How did you allow him to do this?'" Khan says.

"And my wife said, 'He knows how far to take it. He's professional'."

Binoche says she admires the way Khan reconciles his beliefs and his work.

"The fact he was Muslim was very interesting because he had to go through boundaries," Binoche says.

"How do you express love without your body? That would difficult for me."

Binoche is appearing in a new film, Summer Hours, and after the tour will return to the movie set. But for now, she's focussing on the stage.

"I encountered fears I never thought I had before, even bending, which seems pretty simple, is actually a whole world also because I had a knee operation," she says.

"Sometimes before going [on stage] I'm freaking out, saying 'I'm so dead tonight and I won't be able to give anything'. And actually it's the best moment, some of it, because you have to give everything you have."

Binoche and Khan are aiming to give it all they've got during their only Australian performances at the Sydney Opera House.

Juliette Binoche - Akram KhanImage by laurence.thurion via Flickr

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Eu apenas tive acesso a umas poucas imagens e por isso reservo o direito a comentar as actuações de Binoche, mas no mínimo digo que será de uma ousadia de louvar...
Regra geral esperamos que as pessoas de quem gostamos ou sentimos empatia sejam as melhores em tudo o que fazem mas isso nem sempre será possível, mas não será por isso que devemos ser menos exigentes para com eles...
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