Ouvir, Pensar e Bloggar

Quantas vezes das nossas viagens reais para as longamente imaginadas ...

e quantas dessas tiveram origem nas vivências de outros. Eis que por breves momentos estas são mais nossas do que de quem as viveu.

Quantas conversas e histórias temos vontade de registar e contar e quantas dessas temos necessidade de voltar a contar só porque nos fazem sentir bem ou mais atentos ou ainda vivos.

Quantas musicas se entranham na alma quando estamos dispostos a ouvir.

É por tudo isto que a "TocadoLado" poderá estar aqui


Maio, Junho e Julho

Biography.com Born on This Day

Canto do Tomás

O espaço para a animação dedicado ao meu filho: Film Trailers by Filmtrailer.com

O Oráculo - The Extraordinary Adventures of Adèle Blanc-Sec

França - La fille du puisatier

Petit pains et baguettes:

UK - West is West

O que existe de novo na ilha:
Film Trailers by Filmtrailer.com

Espanha - Bienvenidos al Sul

Tão perto e tão longe de nós o cinema dos nuestros irmanos
Pelicula de cine por Filmtrailer.com

Itália - Manuale d'Amore 3

O gosto a mar desta terra banhada pelo mediterrâneo:
Trailer fornito da Filmtrailer.com

As apostas do Tocadolado (1) - X-men first class

A aposta num certo tipo de cinema e de encantamento:

As apostas do Tocadolado (2) - Season of the Witch

Promessas revelações e outras contradições:
Film Trailers by Filmtrailer.com

sexta-feira, 28 de maio de 2010

The amazing blockbuster summer line-up for 2011 | Gunaxin Media

The amazing blockbuster summer line-up for 2011 | Gunaxin Media:

With summer around the corner it’s time to get excited about movies. Everyone knows the best blockbusters are in the summer and boy do we have a packed one ahead of us, right? Hmm… well, let’s see what’s coming up… there’s the Sex and the City 2 and Prince of Persia – that’s pretty good eh? Then we have Marmaduke, The A-Team and The Karate Kid?! Okay guys, this is not going to cut it! Not even Inception can redeem this terrible movie line-up so you know what? It’s time to start looking towards the future and get excited for the summer of 2011."

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Tardes de Cinema… | Peopleware

Tardes de Cinema… | Peopleware

blog tutorial Nesta semana cinematográfica, o destaque vai direitinho para a desejada estreia do filme “Príncipe da Pérsia: As Areias do Tempo”. O filme irá levar-nos até a lendária Cidade de Pérsia, onde o herói desta aventura juntamente com uma bela Princesa, vão combater contra as forças do mal para resguardar um punhal, presente dos deuses, capaz de libertar as Areias do Tempo!

Temos ainda “A Era dos Ignorantes”, uma comédia dramática produzida no Canadá; o filme “A Mente dos Famosos”, com o actor Kevin Spacey; a comédia “Alma Perdida” onde uma empresa desenvolve uma tecnologia que extrai, congela e guarda almas; da Coreia do Sul, o drama “Noite e Dia”; de França a comédia “O Primeiro Dia do Resto da Tua Vida”; do Reino Unido um filme em tecnologia 3D, com “StreetDance 3D”; e por fim de Itália, o filme “Vencer”, que reconstrói a história trágica de Benito Albino Mussolini, um antigo ditador Italiano.

sexta-feira, 21 de maio de 2010

Top Ten Stripper Roles That Answerered Our Prayers | Gunaxin Girls

Top Ten Stripper Roles That Answerered Our Prayers | Gunaxin Girls

It was announced that Kristen Stewart will be momentarily leaving her world of sparkling vampires for one full of dollar bills and poor lighting. This fall from innocence is nothing new for the young actresses of Hollywood, in fact many legitimate stars have taken their share of pole-heavy parts. Sometimes it just seems like a desperation maneuver for some easy publicity, but there are magical times when the casting is the result of nothing more than studio executives giving the people what they want. The problem is, we’re still never fully satisfied with what they give us.

Hollywood's 13 Hottest Redheads

Hollywood's 13 Hottest Redheads

Top 20 Fictional Mobsters | Gunaxin Media

Top 20 Fictional Mobsters | Gunaxin Media

Everyone loves a good mob flick, and over the years, we’ve been treated to many great ones, on both television and at the cinema. Now, it’s one thing to make a movie based on real life events, as we’ve seen in Goodfellas, Donnie Brasco and Casino, but when fiction is involved we often get very memorable characters, some of whom we even look up to despite their criminal nature. So, lets now take a look at the best fictional on-screen gangsters (sorry, no comics).

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Ten Good Songs About Alice in Wonderland | Gunaxin Media

Ten Good Songs About Alice in Wonderland | Gunaxin Media

With Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland coming to theaters, it made me wonder how many songs the Lewis Carroll story inspired over the years (aside from the new ones, on Almost Alice). The answer is countless, way too many to list. Some are blatantly about Alice, while others pay homage to Alice using anything from a verse to an album name or cover. Gunaxin listened to the songs and picked our favorite ten. If you’d like to see what else could’ve been included, check out Wikipedia.

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Five Worst Oscar Wins: Movie Edition | Gunaxin Media

Five Worst Oscar Wins: Movie Edition | Gunaxin Media

Every Oscar ceremony is honor bound to piss off a segment of the population. It’s part of an agreement Hollywood made with Satan after he got Harry K. Thaw off for murder back in 1906. (Google it, it’s a fun story.) And because few things other than an incomplete list can stir up more nerd rage than an undeserved win, we’ve decided to compile a few of our least favorites.

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Best Picture Revisited | Gunaxin Media

Best Picture Revisited | Gunaxin Media

Acho que vou aceitar este repto e eleger aqui quais os meus melhores filmes do últimos 20 anos

10 Underrated Superhero Movies | Gunaxin Media

10 Underrated Superhero Movies | Gunaxin Media

Iron Man. Spider-Man. Batman. X-Men. Superman. These are all examples of great superhero movies, not one of which you’ll find here. No, this list is dedicated to the underdog (no, not Underdog. That movie’s shit), the forgotten film that just didn’t quite garner the same excitement and fan following as those bigger, sometimes better movies. But that’s also the very reason why these particular flicks stand out: they’ aren’t the same ‘blockbuster’ status, they aren’t necessarily filled with explosions or with obvious good guys and their arch nemeses. But just the same, they are decent films that deserve just a little more than they’ve gotten over the years. Check out these underrated movies.

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The Ten Sneakiest Spy Movies | Gunaxin Media

The Ten Sneakiest Spy Movies | Gunaxin Media

Check that shadow over there… what’s behind that crate… is that envelope safe… maybe you should purposely spill your drink… These are all situations in which any given spy could find him or herself; dangerous, tense, deadly. However few of us in the real world are actually spies, so the only way you’re gonna really see what a life of espionage is like is to watch it happen in a movie or a great TV series. Spy movies have sort of taken a back burner lately to the more forced horror flick or teenage romance yarn and are unfortunately reduced to Bond and Bourne flicks. Yet, going back over the years, one can really find some gems from the heyday of true Spy movies. So in celebration of Matt Damon’s new Bourne-esque flick, Green Zone, here are ten of the finest Spy Movies of all time.

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A Tribute to Indiana Jones' Short Round | Gunaxin Media

A Tribute to Indiana Jones' Short Round | Gunaxin Media

In the brilliant Stephen Spielberg film Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, audiences were introduced to the perfect sidekick: the orphan Chinese kid. Ever since then, we’ve all wanted our own Short Round to accompany us on our adventures. Everything about him was great. He was tough, spoke funny, was a trusted ally (though he cheated at cards and picked pockets), and was always in the right place at the right time to get Indy out of trouble. So now, Gunaxin pays tribute to this loyal character.
If you want Short Round’s complete story, read about it at Indiana Jones Wiki.

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“Spartacus: Blood and Sand” is R-rated 80s Awesomeness | Gunaxin Media

“Spartacus: Blood and Sand” is R-rated 80s Awesomeness | Gunaxin Media

Quando "Rome" se encontra com as coreografias dos mestre de acção asiáticos e uma produção tipo "Jerry Bruckheimer"...

2009 Movie Recap | Gunaxin Media

2009 Movie Recap | Gunaxin Media

2 009 was full of highly anticipated blockbusters, but also some unexpected gems. Here’s a handy-dandy list of all the movies we here at Gunaxin saw this year. We have included our ratings, short-attention span reviews and who’s responsible for each. Many even have links to additional coverage from earlier this year.

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15 Memorable Songs From ’80s Movies | Gunaxin Media

15 Memorable Songs From ’80s Movies | Gunaxin Media:

D uring the ’80s, movies began to heavily feature songs on their soundtracks. Tentpole blockbusters, teenage coming of age flicks and groundbreaking comedies all incorporated mainstream pop into their productions. The strategy was so effective that some artists saw their songs top the charts due to the extra exposure on the big screen. In fact, if not for their use in films, most of these musical offerings would’ve become footnotes instead of hits. Each of the following tunes will be forever linked to the movies they appeared in. This is by no means a definitive list, but here are 15 songs we feel helped define movies in the ’80s. Feel free to bash us for leaving out “Cruel Summer” from The Karate Kid or another winner we omitted.
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quinta-feira, 20 de maio de 2010

Tardes de Cinema… | Peopleware

Tardes de Cinema… | Peopleware:
"Nesta semana cinematográfica, o destaque vai direitinho para o remake 1984 “Pesadelo em Elm Street”. No filme, um grupo de adolescentes são atormentados por terríveis pesadelos com um maligno e desfigurado maníaco Freddy Krueger, um assassino de crianças e adolescentes que morrera queimado. Temos também a comédia “Juventude em revolta”, uma adaptação para o cinema do livro com o mesmo nome, do escritor C.D. Payne, com a história de um adolescente obcecado por sexo.

Chega-nos ainda mais um remake do clássico de 1992: “Polícia sem Lei”, com Nicolas Cage no papel de um polícia viciado no jogo e na droga. O filme conta ainda com a bela Eva Mendes. De Itália chega-nos uma trágica história de amor passada na bela cidade de Milão “Eu Sou o Amor”; e por fim, da Argentina, um dos bons filmes produzidos em 2009 mas que só agora chega até nós: “O Segredo dos seus Olhos”."

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terça-feira, 18 de maio de 2010

Tardes de Cinema… | Peopleware

Tardes de Cinema… | Peopleware

Nesta semana cinematográfica, temos uma grande estreia em destaque: é claro que nos referimos à nova adaptação de “Robin Hood”. Realizado por Ridley Scott, o filme conta a história de como um arqueiro ao serviço do Rei Ricardo Coração de Leão, que se tornou conhecido como Robin Hood, o famoso arqueiro. Da Coreia do Sul chega-nos “Mother – Uma Força Única” com uma história forte sobre o amor de uma mãe pelo seu filho, e até onde ela está disposta a ir para o defender.
Temos ainda o documentário português “A Ilha da Cova da Moura”; a comédia “City Island – Segredos à Medida”, com os caricatos segredos de uma família; o filme brasileiro “Estômago – Uma História Nada Infantil Sobre Poder, Sexo e Gastronomia” e por fim da Roménia o filme “Histórias da Idade de Ouro”, que nos traz o retrato de uma nação que tenta sobreviver ao dia-a-dia face à implacável lógica da ditadura.

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segunda-feira, 17 de maio de 2010

Top Twenty Two Favorite Nude Scenes in Mainstream Cinema | Gunaxin Media

Top Twenty Two Favorite Nude Scenes in Mainstream Cinema | Gunaxin Media

22. Cashback (2006)

What: Supermarket Sequence

21. La Belle Noiseuse (1991)

Who: Emmanuelle Béart
What: Modeling

20. Mulholland Drive (2001)

Who: Naomi Watts/Laura Harring
What: Lesbian Sex Scene

19. Eyes Wide Shut (1999)

Who: Nicole Kidman
What: Opening credits/getting dressed

18. Malèna (2000)

Who: Monica Bellucci
What: Sex Scene

17. Monster’s Ball (2001)

Who: Halle Berry
What: First sex scene

16. Re-Animator (1985)

Who: Barbara Crampton
What: Her and the severed head

15. Requiem for a Dream (2000)

Who: Jennifer Connelly
What: In front of the mirror

14. Species (1995)

Who: Natasha Henstridge
What: Hottub Scene

13. The Gift (2000)

What: Car Flash

12. Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008)

Who: Jason Segel
What: Naked Break-up

11. Just One of the Guys (1985)

Who: Joyce Heyser
What: Tuxedo flash

10. The Return of the Living Dead (1985)

Who: Linnea Quigley
What: Graveyard Dance

9. The Dreamers (2003)

What: Striptease (well, really the whole movie)

8. Havoc (2005)

What: Make-out scene

7. Mischief (1985)

Who: Kelly Preston
What: Bedroom Bush

6. Before The Devil Knows You’re Dead (2007)

What: Opening Bedroom

5. Embrace of the Vampire (1995)

Who: Alyssa Milano
What: Lesbian seduction

4. The Hot Spot (1990)

Who: Jennifer Connelly/Debra Cole
What: Sitting on beach

3. Wild Things (1998)

Who: Denise Richards/Neve Campbell
What: Pool Scene

2. American Pie (1999)

Who: Shannon Elizabeth
What: Bedroom scene, Nadia and the magazine

1. Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)

Who: Phoebe Cates
What: pool scene

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The Bachelor Guy » Iron Man? Cap? Thor? How to Tell Which of The Avengers You Are

The Bachelor Guy » Iron Man? Cap? Thor? How to Tell Which of The Avengers You Are

"So in your core group of good friends who are you? Are you the leader, the muscle, the brains, the comedian, or the dude that gets all the jokes pointed in your direction? For each different circle of friends you probably play a different role. In one group, you may be the leader, and in another you get shitted on because you are wearing a Boston Red Sox sweatshirt. (And rightfully so...)

With Iron Man 2 coming out soon, and me being a comic geek, I wanted to give you a Marvel-ous take on the roles we play in our groups of friends. So I am going to dissect some of The Avengers into roles found in every circle of friends.

The Avengers have had many members, but I am going to break it down using the following Avengers: Captain America, Iron Man, The Hulk, Thor, and Ant Man. (YES Ant Man... One of the founding members of the Avengers so he is in there.) And no, I am not gonna add The Wasp, because having a female in your close circle of friend is purely fiction and this is a serious article.

So which one are you? Let’s break it down:...

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A Tribute to the Muppets' Statler and Waldorf | Gunaxin Media

A Tribute to the Muppets' Statler and Waldorf | Gunaxin Media

Para todos aqueles que cresceram a ver os "Marretas", para ou outros que podem ainda vir a apreciar os "Marretas".
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domingo, 16 de maio de 2010

Best Romantic Comedies

Best Romantic Comedies

25. 'My Best Friend's Wedding' (1997)

It's a testament to Julia Roberts' likability quotient that, even when she's determined to bust up a wedding, we still kinda love her. But we also can't help but adore her rival, Cameron Diaz. Kudos to this rom-com for not only making us think twice about who deserves the guy (Dermot Mulroney), but giving us the ultimate snarky sidekick in Rupert Everett. 

24. 'Say Anything' (1989)

The boom box over the head. Waiting for the seat belt sign to "ding" on the plane. The most angst-ridden answering message ever (top that, 'Swingers'). John Cusack and Ione Skye put airheaded teen movies to shame with Cameron Crowe's nuanced, smart script even grown-ups can appreciate.

23. 'Adam's Rib' (1949)

Real-life loves Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn burned up the screen in anything they were in, and as lawyers in love who defend opposite sides of an attempted murder case, the pair is damn near combustible. Director George Cukor (with a script co-written by 'Harold & Maude' star Ruth Gordon) also presented the revolutionary idea of sexual equality between a husband and wife. Now, that's hot stuff. 

22. 'There's Something About Mary' (1998)

Who can forget the zipper scene, or Cameron Diaz's unfortunate hair "gel" incident? As memorable as Bobby and Peter Farrelly's gross-out humor was in this movie, it's really the poignancy of Ben Stiller's quest to win his high school dream girl that, um, sticks with us.

21. 'Roxanne' (1987)

We remember the play 'Cyrano de Bergerac' from high school, but no way was it as funny as Steve Martin's gentle, witty take on the proboscis-enhanced classic. But then again, 'Cyrano' didn't have a post-'Splash' Daryl Hannah or 20 nose jokes in it.

20. 'Harold & Maude' (1971)

Bud Cort is a rich, death-obsessed 20-year-old who enjoys faking suicide to freak out his dates. Ruth Gordon is a 79-year-old anarchist who steals cars. Of course they're meant for each other! Amazingly, you'll believe just that by the end of this genre-bending, bleakly funny movie. The gorgeous Cat Stevens soundtrack doesn't hurt, either.

19. 'The 40-Year-Old Virgin' (2005)

It's all in the title -- Steve Carrell is the action figure-collecting nerd who has never done the deed, and Catherine Keener is the single mom who just might help him with his to-do list. As sweet as their relationship is, the real (b)romance is between Carrell and his electronics superstore co-workers, who dedicate themselves to the task of deflowering him with the raunchy, good-natured humor director Judd Apatow is known

18. 'Tootsie' (1982)

Dustin Hoffman in a dress doesn't sound like a recipe for romance, but leave it to the late, great Oscar-winning director Sydney Pollack to make this sassy, heartfelt comedy (which was nominated for a whopping 10 Oscars) work. And, while Hoffman steals the show, love interest Jessica Lange, Bill Murray, Teri Garr and Charles Durning don't need drag to deliver laughs.

17. 'Something Wild' (1986)

When wild child Melanie Griffith kidnaps yuppie Jeff Daniels to be her high school reunion date, this inauspicious (and criminal) setup turns out to be exactly what the bored businessman needs. Add an off-kilter Ray Liotta to the mix, and the sexiness gets a little more dangerous. Naughty, naughty.

16. 'Sixteen Candles' (1984)

In this John Hughes favorite, Molly Ringwald's 16th birthday is nothing to sing about when everyone -- including her parents! -- forgets her big day. Good thing dreamboat Michael Shoeffling shows up to fix things. Still, we're glad uber geek Anthony Michael Hall and exchange student Long Duc Dong keep everything from being too perfect, or it just wouldn't feel like high school.

15. 'Muriel's Wedding' (1994)

This one is for every geeky girl who ever sat in her bedroom, singing along to ABBA songs while dreaming of a better life. While Toni Collette pines for a wedding, when it finally comes (to a beefy swimmer in search of an Australian passport), it's no cakewalk. Luckily, her happily ever after comes after the bouquet is thrown, making it all the sweeter.

14. 'The Shop Around The Corner' (1940)

So good Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks felt compelled to put a modern spin on it (the forgettable 'You've Got Mail'), this love letter to, well, love letters finds Jimmy Stewart falling for a secret pen pal (Margaret Sullavan) -- the problem is, she's his aggravating co-worker. Great idea for a movie, but makes us glad Match.com has pictures.

13. 'The Wedding Singer' (1998)

The only thing worse than always being a bridesmaid and never a bride? Being a wedding singer (Adam Sandler) who gets dumped at the altar. But when romance blossoms with Drew Barrymore, he might have a second chance at love. And if she can forgive his '80s hair cut, so can we.

12. 'Jerry Maguire' (1996)

Forget "show me the money." The line we remember? "You complete me." The rollercoaster connection between fallen sports agent Tom Cruise and put-upon assistant Renee Zellweger in yet another Cameron Crowe home run rings perfectly true, and the happy ending is all the more touching for how hard it is for them to get there.

11. 'His Girl Friday' (1940)

When newspaper editor Cary Grant's ex-wife (and his ace reporter) Rosalind Russell says she's getting married to another man and leaving the working world behind, he'll go to any lengths to stop her. Sure, he wants her back on the job, but he really wants her back, period. C'mon, a love triangle with a young Cary Grant? Sign us up.

6.  'Four Weddings And a Funeral' (1997) Just like real weddings (and funerals), this movie tugs unmercifully at the heartstrings as it follows the travails of a group of British friends. This was the first time most Americans got the chance to see Hugh Grant bumble adorably. Unsurprisingly,  Andie MacDowell's American magazine editor finds it as irresistible as the rest of us do.
6.  'Four Weddings And a Funeral' (1997) Just like real weddings (and funerals), this movie tugs unmercifully at the heartstrings as it follows the travails of a group of British friends. This was the first time most Americans got the chance to see Hugh Grant bumble adorably. Unsurprisingly,  Andie MacDowell's American magazine editor finds it as irresistible as the rest of us do.
6.  'Four Weddings And a Funeral' (1997) Just like real weddings (and funerals), this movie tugs unmercifully at the heartstrings as it follows the travails of a group of British friends. This was the first time most Americans got the chance to see Hugh Grant bumble adorably. Unsurprisingly,  Andie MacDowell's American magazine editor finds it as irresistible as the rest of us do.
6.  'Four Weddings And a Funeral' (1997) Just like real weddings (and funerals), this movie tugs unmercifully at the heartstrings as it follows the travails of a group of British friends. This was the first time most Americans got the chance to see Hugh Grant bumble adorably. Unsurprisingly,  Andie MacDowell's American magazine editor finds it as irresistible as the rest of us do.
6.  'Four Weddings And a Funeral' (1997) Just like real weddings (and funerals), this movie tugs unmercifully at the heartstrings as it follows the travails of a group of British friends. This was the first time most Americans got the chance to see Hugh Grant bumble adorably. Unsurprisingly,  Andie MacDowell's American magazine editor finds it as irresistible as the rest of us do.
6.  'Four Weddings And a Funeral' (1997) Just like real weddings (and funerals), this movie tugs unmercifully at the heartstrings as it follows the travails of a group of British friends. This was the first time most Americans got the chance to see Hugh Grant bumble adorably. Unsurprisingly,  Andie MacDowell's American magazine editor finds it as irresistible as the rest of us do.
6.  'Four Weddings And a Funeral' (1997) Just like real weddings (and funerals), this movie tugs unmercifully at the heartstrings as it follows the travails of a group of British friends. This was the first time most Americans got the chance to see Hugh Grant bumble adorably. Unsurprisingly,  Andie MacDowell's American magazine editor finds it as irresistible as the rest of us do.
6.  'Four Weddings And a Funeral' (1997) Just like real weddings (and funerals), this movie tugs unmercifully at the heartstrings as it follows the travails of a group of British friends. This was the first time most Americans got the chance to see Hugh Grant bumble adorably. Unsurprisingly,  Andie MacDowell's American magazine editor finds it as irresistible as the rest of us do.
6.  'Four Weddings And a Funeral' (1997) Just like real weddings (and funerals), this movie tugs unmercifully at the heartstrings as it follows the travails of a group of British friends. This was the first time most Americans got the chance to see Hugh Grant bumble adorably. Unsurprisingly,  Andie MacDowell's American magazine editor finds it as irresistible as the rest of us do.

5.  'Pretty Woman' (1990)

A movie about a hooker falling for her client should have been depressing (and the original version of the script definitely was) not romantic, but when the hooker is Julia Roberts and her client is Richard Gere, well, that changes everything. This Cinderella story may not reflect real life (and those thigh-high boots are best left in the '90s), but it was compelling enough to not only resurrect Gere's career but catapult Roberts to superstardom.

4. 'Moonstruck' (1987)

Cher won an Oscar for her turn as an Italian-American widow who falls for her fiance's one-handed brother (Nicolas Cage), and 'Doubt' writer/director John Patrick Shanley took home the gold for the screenplay. What made this movie award-worthy is the red-hot romance at its core. Cher may demand that Cage "snap out of it," but he, like the audience, simply can't.

3. 'Annie Hall' (1977)

Audiences may be abuzz about Woody Allen's 'Vicky Cristina Barcelona,' but that fine film still can't match this bittersweet, nostalgic picture's study of the rise and fall of a relationship. Diane Keaton is lovably kooky (or as Allen's Alvie Singer might say, "lurv-ably"), while Allen manages to put his neuroses aside to capture some surprisingly poignant moments. You'll never look at lobsters the same way again, trust us.

2. 'The Philadelphia Story' (1940)

Heiress Katharine Hepburn is hours away from marrying John Howard, when her ex-husband (Cary Grant) arrives on her doorstep with a scandal-sniffing journalist (Jimmy Stewart) in tow. Watching Hepburn decide between three suitors is fun, but it's the witty dialogue that's the real star here. It was the only on-screen pairing of Hepburn and Stewart (who won an Oscar for this role), and her last movie with Grant, and that's really too bad. This was one love triangle we'd love more of.

1. 'When Harry Met Sally...' (1989)

When Harry (Billy Crystal) tells Sally (Meg Ryan) men and women can't be friends because sex eventually gets in the way, Sally is determined to prove him wrong. But by the time she does, the two pals have discovered that it's love, not lust, that really trips them up. This backwards romance from Rob Reiner cuts to the core of what really makes love last (friendship and mutual respect, duh), and the touching footage of real-life couples will make even cynics believe.

É em todo o caso um lista respeitável mas um pouco distante das minhas escolhas isto porque tenho um carinho especial pelas produções europeias como Love Actually, Amélie Poulain.

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The 25 Best Movie Remakes of All Time

The 25 Best Movie Remakes of All Time

Let's face it, Hollywood is full of unoriginal ideas; just look at the disproportionate number of films based on books, plays, TV shows and even Broadway musicals that were themselves based on movies. But every now and then, that most unoriginal of green-lit ideas, the remake of a popular or critically acclaimed movie -- like current releases 'Clash of the Titans,' 'Death at a Funeral' and the upcoming 'Nightmare on Elm Street' reload -- can yield a film that equals, or in rare cases, surpasses the original.

After navigating tricky waters and narrowing down the definition of a remake to a movie clearly based on another feature-length film (and not, say, yet another adaptation of a classic text like a Shakespearean play or a Jane Austen novel), here is our list of the 25 best. That means you won't find adaptations like 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,' shorts-based films a la '12 Monkeys,' or reinterpretations like 'Clueless' or 'Moulin Rouge.'

What you will find on this list is the Moviefone staff's highly subjective picks for the best remakes in movie history -- a crop of films worth watching even if you're completely unfamiliar with the originals...

25. 'The Thomas Crown Affair' (1999)
      Based On: Norman Jewison's heist thriller, 'The Thomas Crown Affair' (1968)
24. 'Ransom' (1996)
      Based On: Alex Segal's hostage drama, 'Ransom!' (1956)
23. 'Nosferatu the Vampyre' (1979)
      Based On: F.W. Murnau's legendary vampire film, 'Nosferatu' (1922)
22. 'Insomnia' (2002)
      Based On: Eric Skjoldbjærg's Norwegian psychological drama, 'Insomnia' (1997)
21. '3:10 to Yuma' (2007)
      Based On: Delmer Daves' Western '3:10 to Yuma' (1957)
20. 'True Lies' (1994)
      Based On: Claude Zidi's French spy comedy 'La Totale!' (1991)
19. 'Dawn of the Dead' (2004)
      Based On: George Romero's zombie flick, 'Dawn of the Dead' (1978)
18. 'Dirty Rotten Scoundrels' (1988)
      Based On: Ralph Levy's con-men comedy, 'Bedtime Story' (1964)
17. 'The Italian Job' (2003)
      Based On: Peter Collinson's British caper, 'The Italian Job' (1969)
16. 'The Champ' (1979)
      Based On: King Vidor's award-winning boxing drama, 'The Champ' (1931)
15. 'Little Shop of Horrors' (1986)
      Based On: Roger Corman's horror comedy, 'Little Shop of Horrors' (1960)
14. 'The Ring' (2002)
      Based On: Hideo Nakata's horror flick, 'Ringu' (1998)
13. 'Father of the Bride' (1991)
      Based On: Vincente Minnelli's wedding comedy 'Father of the Bride' (1950)
 12. 'Heaven Can Wait' (1978)
Based On: Alexander Hall's supernatural comedy, 'Here Comes Mr. Jordan' (1941)
11. 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers' (1978)
Based On: Don Siegel's alien-horror classic, 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers' (1956)
10. 'A Star is Born' (1954)
      Based On: William Wellman's showbiz drama, 'A Star is Born' (1937)

9. 'Ocean's 11' (2001)
Based On: Lewis Milestone's heist flick, 'Ocean's 11' (1960)
 8. 'A Fistful of Dollars' (1964)
      Based On: Akira Kurosawa's samurai drama, 'Yojimbo' (1961)
 7. 'The Fly' (1986)
Based On: Kurt Neumann's horror classic, 'The Fly' (1958)

 6. 'The Departed' (2006)
Based On: Andrew Lau and Alan Mak's Hong Kong crime-thriller 'Infernal Affairs' (2002)

 5. 'The Magnificent Seven' (1960)
     Based On: Akira Kurosawa's epic 'The Seven Samurai' (1954)
4. 'Cape Fear' (1991)
     Based On: J. Lee Thompson's stalker thriller, 'Cape Fear' (1962)
3. 'The Man Who Knew Too Much' (1956)
Based On: Alfred Hitchcock's first 'The Man Who Knew Too Much' (1934)
2. 'Scarface' (1983)
     Based On: Howard Hawks' gangland drama, 'Scarface' (1932)
1. 'The Thing' (1982)
Based On: Howard Hawks' 'The Thing' (1952)

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Best Animated Characters (10-1)

Best Animated Characters (10-1)

10. Queen ('Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,' 1938)
9. Dumbo ('Dumbo,' 1941)
8. Thumper ('Bambi,' 1942)
7. Donkey ('Shrek' films, 2001, 2004, 2007)
6. Nemo ('Finding Nemo,' 2003)
5. Genie ('Aladdin,' 1992)
4. Cruella de Vil ('101 Dalmations,' 1961)
3. Mickey Mouse ('Fantasia,' 1940)
2. Buzz Lightyear ('Toy Story' films, 1995 & 1999)
1. Sheriff Woody ('Toy Story' films, 1995 & 1999) 
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Top 10 Worst Superhero Sequels

Top 10 Worst Superhero Sequels

Batman and Robin, 1997

Superman IV: The Quest for Peace, 1987

Batman Forever, 1995

X-Men: The Last Stand, 2006

Punisher: War Zone, 2008

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, 2007 

Spider-Man 3, 2007 

X-Men Origins: Wolverine, 2009

Blade: Trinity, 1997

Superman Returns, 2006









The 25 Best Action Movies

The 25 Best Action Movies

25. 'Blade Runner' (1982)
24. 'First Blood' (1982) 
23. 'Spider-Man 2' (2004)
22. 'Enter the Dragon' (1973)
21. 'Top Gun' (1986)
20. 'The Wages of Fear' (1953)
19. 'The French Connection' (1971)
18. 'The Road Warrior' (1981)
17. 'Gladiator' (2000)
16. 'Lethal Weapon' (1987)
15. 'The Dark Knight' (2008)
14. 'The Great Escape' (1963)
13. 'The Seven Samurai' (1954) 
12. 'Hard Boiled' (1992)
11. 'Goldfinger' (1964)
10. 'The Bourne Ultimatum' (2007)
9. 'Kill Bill: Vol. 1' (2003)
8. 'Aliens' (1986)
7. 'Speed' (1994)
6. 'Terminator 2: Judgment Day' (1991)
5. 'Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back' (1980)
4. 'The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King' (2003)
3. 'Die Hard' (1988)
2. 'The Matrix' (1999)
1. 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' (1981)      
Esta não é  minha lista mas nem por isso deixo de respeitar a opinião de outros acho que filmes como Heat, cidade sobre pressão poderia estar aqui representado...        

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The 25 Worst Romantic Comedies Ever

The 25 Worst Romantic Comedies Ever

25. 'Rumor Has It' (2005) 
24. 'Blind Date' (1987)  
23. 'Simply Irresistible' (1999)  
22. 'Employee of the Month' (2006)  
21. 'Arthur 2: On the Rocks' (1988) 
20. 'Alex & Emma' (2003)  
19. 'Haunted Honeymoon' (1986)  
18. 'Two of a Kind' (1983) 
17. 'Who's That Girl' (1987)  
16. 'Over Her Dead Body' (2008)  
15. 'Down to You' (2000)  
14. 'My Boss's Daughter' (2003)  
13. 'Say It Isn't So' (2001)
12. 'I Love Trouble' (1994)   
11. 'Good Luck Chuck' (2007)  
10. 'All About Steve' (2009)  
9. 'Summer Catch' (2001)  
8. 'Because I Said So' (2007)  
7. 'Mannequin: On the Move' (1991)  
6. 'Dirty Love' (2005)  
5. 'The Beautician and the Beast' (1997)  
4. 'Mr. Wrong' (1996) 
3. 'From Justin to Kelly' (2003) 
2. 'The Hottie & the Nottie' (2008)  
1. 'Gigli' (2003)    
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Underdog: Black Swan

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